Middle Dot
  • UNICODE. U+000B7.
  • HEX CODE. ·
  • HTML CODE. ·
  • CSS CODE. \00B7. // html example. <span>&#183;</span> // css example. span { content: "\00B7"; }
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middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dotTry it. ¸, &cedil;, &#184;, &#xB8;, cedilla = spacing cedillaTry it. ¹, &sup1;, &#185;, &#xB9;, superscript one ...
U+00B7 is the unicode hex value of the character Middle Dot. Char U+00B7, Encodings, HTML Entitys:·,·,·, UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex)
Complete CSS Entity Reference. If you use CSS to display any of these characters in HTML, you can use the CSS entity found in the table below. Example.
Unicode Name, Middle Dot ; Unicode Number, U+00B7 ; HTML Code, &#183; ; CSS Code, \00B7 ; Entity, &middot;.
Character Entities for HTML, CSS and Javascript. HTML, Symbol, Numeric, Description, Hex, CSS (ISO) ... &#183;, middle dot, %B7, \00b7, \267. &cedil;, ¸, &#184; ...
The Unicode character ·, or U+00B7, is known as the "Middle Dot". It belongs to the "Latin-1 Supplement" block, which is a collection of characters used to ...
Apr 14, 2022 · The Unicode and HTML Entities for Bullet Points. The Unicode character for showing the dot symbol or bullet point is U+2022 . But to use this ...
Quickly copy Middle Dot Unicode and paste it anywhere ... Middle Dot. Symbol. ·. Unicode. U+000B7. Hex. &#xb7;. HTML. &#183;. Entity. &middot;. CSS. \00B7.