The BHMA Certified® Products Directory (CPD) provides an up-to-date listing of all products that have been certified to ANSI/BHMA Standards.
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Submit your hardware product to independent laboratory testing to certify that the product fully meets the criteria of its ANSI/BHMA standard.
Get Certified. Participate in the BHMA® Certification Program by voluntarily submitting a hardware product to independent laboratory testing to confirm that ...
The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA®) is the only organization accredited by the America National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop ...
Feb 27, 2023 · This program consists of products certified by BHMA through rigorous independent testing for security, durability, and finish. The BHMA Secure ...
Jun 1, 2010 · Certification fosters quality control in the manufacturing process, resulting in greater product uniformity and consistent testing values, which ...
As a result, BHMA® provides an industry certification program exclusively for residential hardware. The BHMA Certified® Secure Home™ label makes it easier for ...
Get Certified. Participate in the BHMA® Certification Program by voluntarily submitting a hardware product to independent laboratory testing to confirm that ...
Each BHMA Certified® lockset and deadbolt is rigorously tested in each of these categories based on industry standards that set progressive levels of ...