Search and buy from millions of personalised number plates direct from the DVLA, including auction plates and cherished plates.
You can buy a personalised registration for your number plates from DVLA online or at auction. Search online to see which numbers are available and how much ...
People also ask
How much is a personalised number plate in the UK?
DVLA Personalised Registrations - Buy private registrations direct from the DVLA. From £250 fully inclusive.
How do old UK number plates work?
Earlier number plate formats The old 'prefix' system with a leading single letter to show the year of first registration began on 1 August 1983 with the introduction of the 'A' prefix and ended with 'Y', which ran from 1 March 2001 until 31 August 2001. Before 1983, letters were used as a suffix.
How to find out all the cars you've owned in the UK?
Another option is to use the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) website. The DVLA maintains records on all registered vehicles in the UK, including information on previous owners and any changes in ownership. You can access this information by searching the DVLA database using the car's registration number.
Are black number plates legal in the UK?
Rules of Putting Black and Silver Number Plates Black and silver number plates may only be used on cars that were first registered before January 1, 1973, therefore only vintage and classic car owners can use them. Surprisingly, plates from that era may now fetch more than £1 million.
Buy a private (personalised) number plate, assign it or transfer it to a vehicle - renew or update your entitlement certificate.
We have a huge range of DVLA number plates that make the perfect accessory for your vehicle. Our DVLA registrations are available at some of the best ...
Dvla number plates from
Vehicle registration plates are the alphanumeric plates used to display the registration mark of a vehicle, and have existed in the United Kingdom since ...
With access to over 60 million DVLA number plates, you can find the best personalised number plates from SwiftReg. Browse online today.
The first two letters are the DVLA memory tag, the two numbers (the age identifier) indicate the age of the vehicle, and the last three letters are random. Age.