Traduction de "a les yeux noirs" en anglais. has black eyes. eyes are black. dark eyes.
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Les yeux noirs ont une plus grande quantité de mélanine, qui détermine son obscurité. The dark eyes have a greater amount of melanin, which determines its ...
Mar 11, 2017 · To add in a general way to the observations made below, you could consider the sentence with "les" as meaning something like "His eyes are black ...
She has black eyes. Alternative Meanings Popularity. She has black eyes. She has black eyes. His eyes are black. she has black eyes. Learning French?
... Translate textTranslate filesImprove your writing. ▾. Dictionary French-English. yeux noirs noun, plural, masculine—. black eyes pl. Examples: yeux au beurre ...
Les Yeux Noirs is the name of a French band combining elements of jazz manouche and other Romani music, Yiddish, and Klezmer music. The group was founded by ...
Les Yeux Noirs (French for "Those Black Eyes") drew their name from the title of a gypsy tune made famous by Django Reinhardt.
May 28, 2006 · Comment on traduit cette phrase dans ce contexte. À mon avis la phrase "To give a black look" ne marche pas, c'est un peu serieux.
Many translated example sentences containing "des yeux noirs" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.