Find affordable cruise deals to popular destinations like Bahamas, Mexico, Hawaii cruises & more. Conveniently find cruise ports out to your favourite ...
Cruise ship costs can be fairly affordable, with cheap cruises only charging $50 a night per person or so for some of their trips, while luxury cruises can run ...
... Canada. Expedia® Extras* (Extras vary and apply to select staterooms and prices). Exclusive! $50 Onboard Credit. Exclusive! $50 Onboard Credit. Book select ...
People also ask
How much does a cruise cost in Canada?
Canada Packages
Price (Per person on twin sharing)
Touring The East Coast From Washington - Yatra Special
Rs 1,83,990
8 Nights
Toronto, Niagara With East Coast - Yatra Special
Rs 1,84,490
8 Nights
Toronto And Niagara - Yatra Special
Rs 84,490
3 Nights
What is the average cost of a 7 day cruise?
As per the provided search results, the average price for a seven-day cruise is around $1,500 per person, totaling $3,000 for a couple. It's essential to note that this is a general estimate, and actual costs may differ.
Is expedia cruise the same as expedia cruises?
Expedia Cruises is part of the Expedia Group of brands. At Expedia Group, careers have no borders. We are here to help knock down the barriers to travel, making it easier, more enjoyable, more attainable and more accessible, and in doing so, ultimately bring the world within closer reach.
Which cruise line is the cheapest?
The actual cheapest cruise available depends on a variety of different factors. Still, Carnival Cruise tends to be very affordable overall, most of the time with great options like the Carnival Sunrise and Carnival Horizon.
10 cruises found - Prices are per traveller, available within last 24 hours and valid for US and Canadian residents only. Taxes, fees, and port expenses are ...