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Discusses the history, equipment, and techniques of various types of roller skating including recreational skating, speed skating, roller skate dancing, and roller skate hockey.
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This title introduces young sports fans to roller derby, introducing the sport's history, rules, equipment, and why more and more athletes love playing it.
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From the beloved brand Moxi Roller Skates comes The Little Book of Roller Skating, the go-to guide for all things roller skating!
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And therefore it reveals everything. Thi\s document is one for the ages. We are fortunate to have it, and Fall Line Press is grateful to be associated with bringing it to you."--Fall Line Press website
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Charlotte Goodman has had enough surprises.
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Since 1935, roller derby has thrilled fans and skaters with its constant action, hard hits, and edgy attitude. However, though its participants’ athleticism is undeniable, roller derby has never been accepted as a “real” sport.
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But in recent decades it’s come back strong, with more than 17,000 skaters in more than four hundred leagues around the world, and countless die-hard fans. Down and Derby will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the sport.
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Scott Stephens received his first set of roller skates at age six in 1966 – and soon he was staging Roller Derby games in his backyard.
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Earth Day celebrates our beautiful planet and calls us to act on its behalf.
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The modern punk-inspired DIY amateur athletic movement has spread to almost 2000 leagues all over the globe in less than fifteen years. This book can't teach you how to skate, but it will get you up to speed on everything else!