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This issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, guest edited by Dr. Diane M. Harper, is devoted to Women's Health.
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This volume is devoted to General Gynecology, which covers care of the female patient outside of pregnancy or during the initial weeks of pregnancy.
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The Core Balance Diet is a breakthrough plan designed to restore your body’s equilibrium and return you to a healthy, sustainable weight.
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In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. William Rayburn, Drs.
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In fact, hundreds of thousands of women are fighting these same feelings as they strive to live the lives they want. In Is It Me Or My Adrenals?, Marcelle Pick gives you the knowledge and tools to overcome this epidemic of fatigue.
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The book also explores the impact of political struggles over race and class within the movement organizations.
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Designed for providers of women's healthcare, this guides those implementing QI programs with emphasis on Obstetrics and Gynecology practice.
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Obstetrician Gynecologists are frequently responsible for management of the primary care needs of their patients.
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This book presents the findings of the RCOG Study Group findings on genetics underlying reproductive function.
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In this book, world-renowned experts describe the latest advances in the field and explain why endoscopy is of key importance in so many conditions. The scope of the book is broad.