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Sudski tumač za njemački zagreb from books.google.com
A novel exploring human relations. Its hero is a Hungarian writer who lives through the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and has a homosexual affair with a German poet in East Berlin.
Sudski tumač za njemački zagreb from books.google.com
The basic tenet here is that we do not translate words, but texts, and that these competing models can be integrated into a more global theory of translation by viewing the translation process as a primarily textual process.
Sudski tumač za njemački zagreb from books.google.com
This book focuses on the micro-political implications of the work of Gilles Deleuze (and Félix Guattari).
Sudski tumač za njemački zagreb from books.google.com
Elon is that very rare writer of contemporary history who can sincerely and honestly see and sympathize with the irreconcilable forces of so suicidal a death-embrace as the Israeli-Arab struggle... a moving, enlightening, stimulating book.. ...
Sudski tumač za njemački zagreb from books.google.com
This Routledge Revival, first published in 1985, gives detailed attention to the bearing of literary theory on questions of truth, meaning and reference.