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The Best Restaurants, Markets & Local Culinary Offerings The ultimate guides to the food scene in their respective states or regions, these books provide the inside scoop on the best places to find, enjoy, and celebrate local culinary ...
Pho Huong Lan Orlando, FL from books.google.com
This book provides a broad overview of geo-information technology, software, systems needed, currently used and to be developed for disaster management.
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Amelia Mintz is a food critic and a Saboscrivner.
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, AFRICOMM 2020, held in Ebène City, Mauritius, in December 2020.
Pho Huong Lan Orlando, FL from books.google.com
Peat and organic soils commonly occur as extremely soft, wet, unconsolidated surficial deposits that are an integral part of wetland systems.
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Written by internationally recognized leaders, and covering all facets of photoprotection, this book summarizes the beneficial roles of photoprotection in skin cancers, photoaging, photodermatoses, autoimmune diseases, and other skin ...
Pho Huong Lan Orlando, FL from books.google.com
Dixee Bartholomew-Feis reveals how this relationship emerged and operated and how it impacted Vietnam's struggle for independence.
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This book is a valuable resource not only for those specifically interested in education in Bhutan, but for anyone with an interest in South Asian studies, general Asian studies, educational development, comparative education, Buddhist ...