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We are Professional, Qualified and Trusted Painters & Decorators in Dublin. We have been awarded ISO 9001 certification, an internationally recognised standard
People also ask
What do most painters charge hourly?
What do most painters charge per hour? you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 per hour for a professional paint job. The more experienced and skilled your painter, the higher their hourly rate will be–and there's no denying that more complex projects take longer to complete.
What is the going rate for a painter decorator?
Core painting and decorating jobs
Average price range
Hiring a painter and decorator
£250 to £400 per day/£35 per hour
Exterior painting
£20 per m²
Painting a medium-sized room
Painting multiple rooms (labour only)
£12 per m²
Can you haggle with painters?
If your contractor is a professional, they likely have a very good idea of how long the job will take them and how much it will reasonably cost. That doesn't mean that there's absolutely no leeway, however. According to an “Ask The Expert” column on, you absolutely can negotiate with a contractor.
How much is a painter in Dublin?
In Dublin, the average daily rate for a painter and decorator is €195, while outside of Dublin, it averages €150. The survey found that 88% of respondents prefer to price and charge per job, while only 25% charge based on a daily rate or a combination of both.
My painting company is based in Dublin and I currently have 10 highly skilled Painters & decorators, trained to the same high standards, (we are always looking ...
Specialising in home painting Professional, reliable, and trusted. Dublin #oisinbutlerltd. Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland A96 WC98.
Aug 17, 2022 · Managing Director at Oisin Butler Ltd, Painting & decorating expert with 4 decades of experience. Professional, reliable and trustworthy - ...
5 days ago · Managing Director at Oisin Butler Ltd, Painting & decorating expert with 4 decades of experience. Professional, reliable and trustworthy ...
Who is Oisin Butler. Why Our Painters & Decorators? We are professional painters based in Dublin, specialising in home decorating.
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Painters and Decorators, Dublin, Ireland. 514 likes. We provide a professional Painting and Decorating service in Dublin.