Newframes from books.google.com
... newframe = self.frame ; newframe.size = aSize ; self.frame = newframe ; self.frame = newframe ; } CGRects and Centers As you've. When a view's size changes , the view itself updates live onscreen . Depending how the elements within the ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newframe = setWidth: (CGFloat) newwidth self.frame; newframe.size.width = newwidth; self.frame (CGFloat) top newframe; return self.frame.origin.y; (void) setTop CGRect newframe = newframe.origin.y = self.frame (CGFloat) lef t (CGFloat) ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newFrame = self.frame; newFrame.size.height = newHeight; self.frame = newFrame; — (CGFloat)width return self.frame.size.width; — (void)setWidth:(CGFloat)newWidth CGRect newFrame = self.frame; newFrame.size.width = newWidth; self.frame = ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newFrame= document.createElement("frame"); newFrame.id = "newFrame1"; newFrame.name = "newFrame1"; newFrame.src = "altNavBar.html" frag.appendChild(newFrame); newFrame = document.createElement("frame"); newFrame.id = "newFrame2"; newFrame ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newFrame= document.createElement("frame"); newFrame.id = "newFrame1"; newFrame.name = "newFrame1"; newFrame.src = "altNavBar.html" frag.appendChild(newFrame); newFrame = document.createElement("frame"); newFrame.id = "newFrame2"; newFrame ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newframe = self.frame; if (newframe.size.height > aSize.height) { scale = aSize.height / newframe.size.height; newframe.size.width *= scale; newframe.size.height *= scale; } if (newframe.size.width >= aSize.width) { scale = aSize.width ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... newFrames [ Math.round ( 5 * Math.ran- dom ( ) ) % 5 ] window.second Frame.location - base + newFrames [ Math.round ( 5 * Math.ran- dom ( ) ) % 5 ] } // - > < / SCRIPT > < / HEAD > < FRAMESET COLS = " * , * " ONLOAD = " selectFrames ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... New frames of reference, policy agendas, and action systems are evolving. Sometimes these new frames of reference produce conflicts because their differences are not reconciled. For example, some advocates speak about reclaiming ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... new frames where the new frames had been put in . This work continued while I was there , I would say on the following day , the 10th and 11th of June . Frame No. 1 is at the forward part of the boat , as a rule . Frame No. 2 , I would ...
Newframes from books.google.com
... new frames by judging the two existing frames and generating new frames in between using motion vectors to generate frames that more naturally generate new frames between the existing frames. Either mode of Frame Blending will increase ...