Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes's mind, and strength with ugliness, especially in Melabes's conversations with his friend.43 The dizzying play of associations thus ends up collapsing in roundabout ways, one pole of each opposition into its opposite: beauty ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes , which bordered on the Yarkon River , consisted only of David Gutman , Yoel Moshe Salomon , and an Arab horseman named Zakri . Zakri worked as a clerk and represented Tayan , the Arab Christian merchant from Jaffa . Tayan owned ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes - Spili Westlich Melabes stehen Marmore , Amphibolite , Kalksilikatfelse und Metapelite ( Andalusit , Sillimanit , Cordierit , K - Feldspat , Biotit , Quarz , Hellglimmer ) an.1 BONNEAU ( 1972a ) erwähnt von hier Gneise mit der ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... melabes hemra' fey bab aleta'erh, yhawel rejlan akheran defeh ela alekharej. la yestety' alenas tesdeyd 'eyewnhem. yestemr heda hewaley deqyeqh. them yesqet alemzely dew alelwen alahemr. yeqfez mezley akher kharej aleta'erh weyhawel ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes 540 m , Nibroschlucht 500 bis 700 m , Xyloskalapass . - Südgriech . kretischer Endemismus , nächst ver- wandt mit der vorwiegend mitteleur . - montanen , aber auch in den Gebirgen der Balkanhalbinsel weitverbreiteten S ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes gedacht , die sich in die Reihen der Aufständischen begeben hatten . Weil die Türken sie früher als Ottomanen gekannt hatten , riefen sie sie jetzt auf , zu jener Religion zurückzukehren , damit sie alle ottomanischen Vorrech ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes 697 melabes 592 mesale 681 metelik 395 meydan 633 malaun 66 malaun auel - den 66 maleš 35 mamur 534 mamur el - džarad 534 manafše 459 mandarinke 337 manfukh 289 mangal 286 marbut 576 markhaba 11 marmarie 454 marselame 13 mašar ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes Petah Tikvah ) , among them Motke Tsipori , who later became Deputy Defence Minister , when [ Etzel members ] attacked the transmitting station in Ramallah with live ammunition . The attack was a failure but caused no casualties ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes , near the ' Auja [ Yarkon ] River , two months after the purchase of the land on July 21 , 1878. The original settlers were seven in number , but after the purchase of a second plot of land twice as large as the first , they ...
Melabes from books.google.com
... Melabes during the war . Mel- abes is a large village in an open situation on a hill - side a short way inland from the port of Ayia Galini on the south coast of the island , in the province of Amari . Here I was informed that the ...