The fastest way to get from Lanzarote Airport (ACE) to Playa Blanca is to taxi which takes 27 min and costs $50 - $65.
People also ask
How much is a cab from Arrecife airport to Playa Blanca?
Around €55 each way. A better option, imo, would be first minute transfers around €20 each way.
Is it hard to get a taxi at Lanzarote Airport?
How to Get a Taxi in Lanzarote. Getting a taxi at the airport and in ports is easy because they are always available. However, you may need to wait a bit on busy days, but they come around real fast. You'll find different handlers who will ask you if you need any assistance and help you get a suitable taxi.
How long is the transfer from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca?
The transfer time from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is 30 minutes with our private taxi services. Traveling by shuttle bus takes 45 minutes with the speedy service and 60 minutes with the standard service.
Can you get an Uber from Lanzarote Airport?
Get a taxi from Lanzarote Airport There are no taxi companies in Lanzarote and Uber do not operate here. Drivers need a license issued by the municipality to work.
Sep 22, 2023 · Although not fixed, to give you an idea, the typical taxi fare from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca will cost you approximately €50.00. Cost.
Nov 26, 2017 · Around €55 each way. A better option, imo, would be first minute transfers around €20 each way. Or,car higher. Very reasonable (recommend ...
Rating (4,489)
Book your private transfer from Lanzarote airport to Playa Blanca from €39. Your cheap taxi to Playa Blanca with free seats for your children. Transfers; Per ...
Rating (22,772) offers low cost airport transfers from Lanzarote airport to Playa Blanca. Book our reliable, cheap, flight tracked, private taxi, minibus or
Taxi Rates from Lanzarote Airport ; T1 - URBAN AREA SERVICES · 2,15 € · 2,80 € · 12,67 € ; T2 - RETURN SERVICES OUTSIDE THE URBAN AREA · 3,05 € · 3,35 € · 14,53 € ; T3 - ...
A private taxi transfer from Arrecife Airport to Playa Blanca cost €33 for up to 4 passengers and their baggage, if you are more than 4 please check other ...
Book your airport taxi online in Arrecife Airport, fixed fare and trusted airport taxi service from Arrecife to Playa Blanca.
The fastest way to get from Playa Blanca to Lanzarote Airport (ACE) is to taxi which takes 27 min and costs $50 - $65. ... Is there a direct bus between Playa ...
Rating (385)
Lanzarote - Arrecife Airport to Playa Blanca ... Fully inclusive pricing, no hidden extras. 8AM to ... The transfer time from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is ...