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This groundbreaking work is the first internationally published book to examine the link between a protein in the milk we drink and a range of serious illnesses, including heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia.
GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee review from books.google.com
Dr. Schmid chronicles the role of milk in the rise of civilization and in early America, the distillery dairies, compulsory pasteurization, the politics of milk, traditional dairying cultures and the modern dairy industry.
GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee review from books.google.com
Lists different types of milk and where it comes from. Written by an 8-year old child.
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A New IBS Solution takes you through the historical evolution of conventional medicine's view on IBS in a way that can be easily understood.
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Modern medicine treats diseases without defining cured. Without a language of cure, cures are impossible to see, even when they occur. This book defines a language of cure.
GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee review from books.google.com
The book is organized to emphasize the joy of the Mediterranean diet as a nourishing, sustainable lifestyle.
GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee review from books.google.com
The role of milk during the life cycle -- a global view Milk, the first and for a time only source of nutrition for mammals, influences early growth and development and may provide a foundation for health throughout the entire lifespan.
GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee review from books.google.com
Revised and expanded to reflect recent advances, this edition broadens coverage of foodborne diseases to include many new and emerging