Doctors Immediate Care from
This concise, practical manual is geared specifically for physicians and other clinicians staffing urgent care centres.
Doctors Immediate Care from
The first and only comprehensive textbook in URGENT CARE MEDICINE covering all of the key core competencies in a focused, easily referenced format.
Doctors Immediate Care from
This book has evidenced-based care and best practices, provides a framework for the Physician assistant interaction with physicians, and is a Risk Management tool to decrease adverse outcomes.
Doctors Immediate Care from
This book is written for physicians who work within an emergency department or urgent care setting to provide them with a treatment plan for those patients who are deemed not to have an emergency medical situation and can be safely treated ...
Doctors Immediate Care from
This book comprises a compendium of acute care protocols created for physician assistants.
Doctors Immediate Care from
This is the Fifth Edition of the first compendium of acute care protocols created for the Physician Assistant.
Doctors Immediate Care from
Black and white illustrations demonstrate techniques, and charts present crucial information. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Doctors Immediate Care from
This guide will help clinicians in urgent care clinics streamline the management of nearly any case they encounter on-shift. With 89 chapters, this book ensures setting-appropriate care for a wide range of conditions.
Doctors Immediate Care from
"This text is a user-friendly guide to performing 77 clinical procedures, ranging from those commonly performed to those infrequently called upon when minutes count in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings.