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For as long as she can remember, Kugy has loved to write. Whimsical stories are her passion, along with letters full of secret longings that she folds into paper boats and sets out to sea.
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Gutjahr looks at how the Book of Mormon emerged from the burned-over district of upstate New York, where revivalist preachers, missionaries, and spiritual entrepreneurs of every stripe vied for the loyalty of settlers desperate to scratch a ...
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This volume presents innovative and previously unpublished research on the Paleoindian and Archaic periods and evaluates current models in light of new findings.
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After a short introduction to the fundamentals, this book provides a detailed account of major advances in applying fractional calculus to dynamical systems.
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Warren Buffett uses it to make millions for his investors. It’s called value investing, and you can make it work wonders for your portfolio. All you need is money to invest, a little patience—and this book.
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Teaches the concepts of music theory based on the curriculum at Berklee College of Music.
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If children live with acceptance, they learn to love. And more wisdom. This book can help you become the parent you have always wanted to be, and raise the kind of children you can always be proud of.
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Discover the tools for knowing the costs your company should cut, without impacting its ability to deliver goods and services New from Steve Bragg, this book provides the tools for determining which costs a company should cut, without ...