Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... clover and alfalfa seed with the Ames scarifier . Ohio . Treatment of bar clover seed : Hulled v . not hulled . Ala . A study of crimson clover seed , Del . Red clover v . sweet clover as a legume for pasture purposes . Tenn . Resistance of ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... bar while turning the machine at will of the driver . No weight on horses ' necks ; every box a babbit ; carried on ... carries on mower axle . It is light draft . CLOVER HULLERS . The Newark Machine Company , Newark , Ohio , exhibits a ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... bar while turning the machine at will of the driver . No weight on horses ' necks ; every box a babbit ; carried on ... carries on mower axle . It is light draft . CLOVER HULLERS . The Newark Machine Company , Newark , Ohio , exhibits a ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... clover , & c . , tine - carrying bars are mounted in rotary disks or spider wheels carried by an obliquely arranged ... bar , fixed to arms loosely mounted on the axle a , carries the seat standard and the draft shafts c . The straight ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... carried by a rod 23 , which is supported by a weighted lever 27 freely suspended from a cross - bar ... bars 58 carried by endless chains 57 and controlled by fingers 59 ... clover & c . are fitted with a device for dis- charging the clover in ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... Carrie 47657 by Elmhurst Nicholas . Carrie 47135 by Shell Brook Sam . Carries Beauty 48780 by Mackintosh . Carries Daisy 48781 by Mackintosh . Carries Dottie 48782 by Mackintosh . Carries ... Clover Bar 780 CANADIAN SWINE BREEDERS ' RECORD .
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... CLOVER FIELDS . NEAR Sunnyleas farm there was a nice comfort- able stile , with a wide top bar , which seemed just ... Carry made herself a seat of a large flat stone close by . She had been gathering the finest clover blossoms she could ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... clover - harvester , the tooth - bar having the for- wardly - tapered teeth ... carrying the outer end of said bar , a vertical post rigidly secured to and ... carrying the same , the vertical post rigid on the inner end of said bar and ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... clover - harvester , the tooth - bar having the for- wardly - tapered teeth ... carrying the outer end of said bar , a vertical post rigidly secured to and ... carrying the same , the vertical post rigid on the inner end of said bar and ...
Carry Bar Clover from books.google.com
... carrying on its the two sets of buttons , arranged on them as set forth , and also ... clover thrasher and huller , of the separating - bolts , the shaking - floor ... bar secured to each blind or shut- ter and engaging one of the pinions ...