Binson's Medical Equipment and Supplies from books.google.com
Use of universal product numbers for medical equipment and supplies.
Binson's Medical Equipment and Supplies from books.google.com
Here’s your go-to guide to the vast array of surgical instruments and equipment used in the OR today.
Binson's Medical Equipment and Supplies from books.google.com
Medical equipment and supply claims with invalid or inactive physician numbers.
Binson's Medical Equipment and Supplies from books.google.com
The only one-stop resource of every medical supplier licensed to sell products in the US. This edition offers immediate access to over 13,000 companies–and more than 65,000 products – in two information-packed volumes.
Binson's Medical Equipment and Supplies from books.google.com
The spiral-bound text delivers over 730 full-color photographs, detailed specifications, and comprehensive coverage you won’t find anywhere else, while the online program, Surg Tech in Practice, makes learning easier.