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Milady has been the trusted choice of Barbering educators for nearly sixty years and this new edition continues that trend with in-depth and engaging coverage of the most current topics in the profession.
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The author concludes by outlining how to apply IOL to a multiplicity of settings, such as a major, a single course, programming for a student organization, or other co-curricular experience; as well as offering guidance on assessing and ...
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Examines the history of black-owned barber shops in the United States, from pre-Civil War Era through today.
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A practical introduction perfect for final-year undergraduate and graduate students without a solid background in linear algebra and calculus.
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Includes universities, colleges at the 4-year and 2-year or community and junior college levels, technical institutes, and occupationally-oriented vocational schools in the United States and its outlying areas.
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In this important new book, he explores the alarming repercussions of this potent dialectic for democracy. A work of persuasive originality and penetrating insight, Jihad vs.
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Through the surprisingly normal stories of the heroes of faith in the Bible, and through Barber's experiences with Mission Year and other ministries, in this book you'll learn what it means to change the world from your own little space in ...
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Although the author targets hair care industry professionals, the self-improvement techniques that he presents in this books can be adopted by professionals in any field.
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In this book, you will have a map that is mapped out for you step by step all you have to do is follow the steps to owning your business. By buying this book you have taken your first step into becoming your own entrepreneurs.
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The author of "Crowns" returns with an unforgettable collection of narratives, quotes, and photographs from the most sacred of spacesQthe black barber shop.