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This concise, practical manual is geared specifically for physicians and other clinicians staffing urgent care centres.
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This guide will help clinicians in urgent care clinics streamline the management of nearly any case they encounter on-shift. With 89 chapters, this book ensures setting-appropriate care for a wide range of conditions.
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This is the Third Edition of the first compendium of acute care protocols created for the Nurse Practitioner.
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Reflecting today's e-inundated marketplace, this comprehensive text covers the basics for all forms of business communication, from letters to e-mail, business plans to presentations, listening skills to nonverbal messages, diversity to ...
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This brief book focuses on creating dynamic presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint.
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Unlike other reference books, HOW 11 is tailored for writing style, grammar, mechanics, and techniques in a business/office environment. This text can be used as a stand-alone reference or as a supplement.
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Designed to be used by workers at all levels, this innovative new book addresses both the positive and negative aspects of office politics.
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A former senior vice-president at Prudential Securities, Inc.--now one of the most powerful women on Wall Street--offers a candid and hilarious examination of the ins and outs of office politics--and shows how to come out on top.