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Asking readers to imagine a history of Mexico narrated through the experiences of Africans and their descendants, this book offers a radical reconfiguration of Latin American history.
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Why were anointed men of the past different from men today? In The Profile of a Man of God, Bishop Macedo tries to answer these and many other questions based on what he has seen in the Work of God and, above all, in His Word.
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Here, however, Hermano Vianna shows that the nationalization of samba actually rested on a long history of relations between different social groups--poor and rich, weak and powerful--often working at cross-purposes to one another.
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Le Goff has written a new preface for the English language edition, which examines recent trends in historiography.
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With thousands of engaging books on the shelf, about achieving success this workbook will set you apart by developing a unique approach that will leave others wondering how did you do it and what happens next?
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In Revelation, Chapter 14, we find the three angels' messages which are being heralded around the world.
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In particular the book argues that the Odyssey is in a dialogic relationship with Genesis, which features the same three types of myth that comprise the majority of the Odyssey: theoxeny, romance (Joseph in Egypt), and Argonautic myth ...