You are about to sign up for TypingClub's Individual Edition. If you are an ... Sign up with Google Sign up with Office 365 Sign up with Clever. OR. Sign Up.
In order to sign into your account, all teachers and students in your account must visit a unique TypingClub URL that belongs to you.
People also ask
Is TypingClub completely free?
TypingClub is (and will always be) free for both individuals and schools. There is an optional paid school edition.
How do I login to TypingClub as a Student?
To log in, all teachers and students should go to their school account's URL. All teachers sign in using their email address. Students can either use an email/username and password combo or a single sign-on option.
How do I get a class code for TypingClub?

Class codes

Go to Classes and choose the class you want students to be able to join.
Under Class Code, click the link that reads Enable Class Code.
Follow the prompts on the screen, generate a code, and share the class code or the URL with students.
If no account has been created for your school or district, click the following URL to sign up for an account: Choose ...
Sign in with Google Sign in with Office 365 Sign in with Clever. OR. Sign in. Forgot your password? Don't have an account? Sign up. TypingClubPrivacy Policy ...