People also ask
How long does it take to become a phlebotomist in Ohio?
Phlebotomy Technician Training A phlebotomy training program is generally about 40-80 in class hours and 20-40 clinical hours that will take place outside of the class, usually at a laboratory or medical institute associated with the program. In Cleveland​, the typical class will have 10-30 students.
What is the shortest time to become a phlebotomist?
Phlebotomist school is short in length—one to two semesters, or 4 to 8 months, depending on your school. You'll be awarded a certificate, which is different than certification, which prepares you to work with patients in different settings such as labs, blood banks, and hospitals.
How much does Cleveland Clinic pay phlebotomists?
Which phlebotomy certification is best?

The Best Phlebotomy Certification Programs in 2024

Best Overall: Phlebotomy Career Training.
Best Accelerated Program: Chicago School of Phlebotomy.
Best Intensive Program: National Phlebotomy Association (NPA)
Best Online Option: American National University.
Best Value: Heart to Heart Healthcare Training.
Cleveland Clinic School of Phlebotomy. The School of Phlebotomy course of study is designed to prepare students for the ever-changing field of phlebotomy.
The Laboratory Phlebotomy Short-Term Certificate is a skills-oriented program designed to educate and train persons to skillfully collect blood specimens in a ...
In 5 weeks you can earn your Phlebotomy Technician certificate and be ready to work in the medical field as a phlebotomist. A Phlebotomy Technician is an
Discover comprehensive phlebotomy courses in Cleveland (Independence) to start your career in healthcare. Flexible schedules and hands-on training ...
Learn more about phlebotomy affiliate training programs that can prepare you for a health science career at Cleveland Clinic.
This program prepares individuals to obtain blood and other specimens for the purpose of laboratory analysis. Coursework includes proper specimen collection ...
The Phlebotomy Technician online certification course offered by Cleveland State University prepares you for National Healthcareer Association (NHA) or ASPT ...
During this ten-week program, students will learn to skillfully draw blood as well as the soft skills needed to become employed as a top-notch Phlebotomist.
The first step to your career as a Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) is to choose a training program. Cleveland, Ohio​ is house to many state recognized ...
The following are the best top Phlebotomy Programs in Cleveland, Ohio, with options that include online and potentially free courses to help kickstart your ...