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This volume is the first ever rigorously researched narrative of the city's making that speaks to readers of modern history, audiences compelled by Gurgaon's bewildering growth and the very people who made it their home - now and for ...
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"There is no one solution to making housing affordable. Today, a host of new ideas and platforms are enabling people to own or purchase homes.
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No More I' m Done! demonstrates how to create a more productive, engaging, and rewarding writer' s workshop.
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Packed with 243 tips and ideas—both classic and unexpected—and more than 400 photographs and illustrations, this is a book that readers will return to again and again for the creative projects and easy-to-follow instructions in the ...
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Born and raised in the lanes of Bombay 3, this is the story of Jagan Kumar who dreams of being a television journalist and changing the world.
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If your only exposure to Hindi films is action sequences that defy the laws of physics and dance sequences full of colorful, swirling silk, this book will open your eyes to a rich and rewarding art form.
Mahira Homes Gurgaon from
The Rise of The Indo-Afghan Empire, c. 1710-1780 deals with the magnificent world of Afghan nomads, horse-dealers and mercenaries bridging the frontiers between the old metropolitan centres of India, Iran and Central Asia.