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A reissue in the Frank Lloyd Wright 150th anniversary year of the series of lectures which the celebrated American architect gave in London in 1939 and which outline his core philosophy of 'organic architecture'.
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Marco Ricci, Dario Succi, Bernard Aikema Annalia Delneri. che al momento della posa ... interni finalmente coronava il grande progetto di Charles Howard . L ... creazioni . In una serie di mitolo- gie , ' historic ' , capricci e ritratti ...
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The original novelization of King Kong, featuring a new introduction by Jack Thorne, the Tony-winning playwright of King Kong: Alive on Broadway, and cover art by the celebrated Olly Moss The giant primeval gorilla King Kong is one of the ...
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In this challenging collection of new essays, leading philosophers and criminal lawyers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada break with the tradition of treating the philosophical foundations of criminal law as an adjunct ...
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Ideally suited for ostentatious display, the works sent an unmistakable message of wealth and political might that was understood in centers of power everywhere.
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The book provides a non-perturbative approach to the symmetry breaking in the standard model, in this way avoiding the critical issues which affect the standard presentations.
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Written in longhand under the very noses of the Nazis, Wars I Have Seen is the on-the-spot story of what the people of France endured.
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This classic collection of trenchant and elegant explorations addresses the crisis of the Western world’s relations with nature and social justice.
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The Italian landscape provides a backdrop that highlights the meaning of the text.