Synergy Onsite Septic Solutions
Synergy Onsite Septic Solutions
Jul 8, 2018
This customer bought this property to flip the house. Did not have us inspect his septic. A week later his septic alarm starts going off. So has another company come out and they said “you need a new pump and they are $1000.00”. So the customer has me come out for a second opinion. I’d like to add my company has been referred to twice. First house with septic we went out and checked we quoted around $2000.00. For replumbing a 4” line, removal of roots in tank and some other things. He decided not do anything and sell as is. He ended up selling the house at a $6000.00 lost; because of the estimated septic repairs. Anyways, back to the problem at hand, so we have a company saying, “needs a new pump; $1000.00”. We came out, opened the tank and find this, so we took a picture of what we found. Tank had not been sealed properly and the pump had sucked up a rock and jammed the propeller, which tripped the breaker. We remove the rock pump works great! So exposed all the opening cleaned out the roots and rocks. As well as add proper sealing riser and safety lids plus pans. Now system looks and works great, in addition to all current codes ready for resell!