SNSコンサルタント 細見隆彦
SNSコンサルタント 細見隆彦
Jun 15, 2018
The name of the dog is Lucky. The origin of the name of the good fortune thought the side to cause when I called for the name to be able to feel happy and named it if lucky. It is a Pomeranian,but because it is the Shibaken-cut,overweight is outstanding and is like the Boneless-ham. It is 3 years old that this really shows cute of this year. The pet is really lubricating oil of the families. When it is quarreled in families,the dog has loose bowels. The cat disappears when I notice. Therefore I think that you must not quarrel. A one’s good angel of my home protects my house as lubricating oil of my house tonight. And the proverb that I love. Watch your thoughts,for they become words. Watch your words,for they become action. Watch your actions.for they become habits. Watch your habits.for they become character. Watch your character,for it becomes your destiny. Thank you!