Car Detox Orlando
Car Detox Orlando
Nov 28, 2017
Bird Dropping on Car A Bird Dropping Story Bird droppings on a vehicle can be more of a problem that we think. A few years ago I was driving a brand-new GMC Sierra. The truck had all the bells and whistles including black leather and sunroof. I remember a day after I washed it and detailed it inside I forgot to close the sunroof when I got home at night. At that time, I wasn’t parking it in the garage. The next day I found a little gift from what I think were at least ten birds who apparently aimed right to my sunroof when the decided to poop. It took me hours to detail my car that day. A common Issue At that time, I didn’t put much thought to it. I just went ahead and cleaned it right away because it was gross to keep it there. It turns out, that was the best decision I could have made. A couple of years ago I started working for a 3M subsidiary that sells appearance warranties for Lexus and some other car brands. On a weekly basis I must inspect vehicles that have damages to their paints. One of the most common causes of paint damages is bird poop.
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