Elite Wellness Training
Elite Wellness Training
Dec 3, 2017
Can you believe 75% of the population does not workout! This is really sad! Because the benefits far..far out weigh the time and effort it takes for some one to do 30 minutes a day. The less you move, the more stiff and tired you are going to be. I have heard people say " I want to exercise but I just don't have the time." Or "I am so tired after working all day, I just want to go home and relax. If you don't want to go to a gym and workout because of time, or you just don't care for the gym scene. All you need to workout at home is a mat, some bands, few Dumbbell, and stability ball. You can get up a 1/2 hour early do a workout before work, which is really best! Working out first thing in the morning will keep you energized for the whole day. You will rev up your metabolism helping you to burn fat most of the day! If this just wont work for you then, working out after work will be the best thing to do. I highly suggest hiring a trainer to else come to your home or at the gym and help get you started. A trainer will not only help you make working out a habit but also coming up with a program that will benefit your specific needs. If this is something you would like to explore more about, I would be glad to meet with you for a Free consultation