AC Man Houston
AC Man Houston
Aug 31, 2018
SHOULD I COVER MY AIR CONDITIONER? Do Air Conditioners Need To Be Covered During The Winter? Your residential HVAC system requires maintenance periodically throughout the year. When fall turns into winter, it is then the ideal time to get your Houston AC ready for the weather that lies ahead. Later in the year, as the hot days of summer transition into the cooler days of fall, it is time to shift your focus to your furnace or heating system. One question that many people ask AC Man Of Houston is whether their air conditioner needs to be covered when it is not in use during the winter season or to protect it from bad weather. Covers Provide Protection Against Outside Elements A lot of times, people mistakenly believe that they need to cover their air conditioner during the winter months. In fact, it is far more important to cover the outdoor Houston AC during the autumn season. This is the time of year when leaves, seeds, and other small bits of debris are falling from the trees. If these items become caught in your Houston AC unit, they can trap moisture, which can eventually cause the surface to corrode. Accumulated piles of leaves may also interfere with your air conditioning unit’s ability to drain. At the same time, you need to use caution when covering your Houston AC. Avoid covering the entire Houston AC unit. Instead, purchase a cover that extends approximately half a foot down each side of the unit. Click learn more to keep reading
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