The plural form of software is software. This is true even when you're referring to multiple programs. Softwares (with an S at the end) isn't an actual word, but some individual software developers have chosen to use it as part of their company names. You can combine other words with software to indicate more than one.
Mar 8, 2017
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Sep 14, 2016 · The plural of software is software The word software is an uncountable noun as it is a collective noun or a mass noun Acceptable the plural ...
In standard usage, software is uncountable; the plural might be pieces of software, software packages, software programs, etc. Anagrams. forwastes. Portuguese.
The noun software is uncountable. The plural form of software is also software. Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with ...
Software is a mass noun (some software, a piece of software). By non-native speakers it is sometimes erroneously treated as a countable noun (a software, some ...