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Mormon from books.google.com
A religious historian explores the 180-year history of Mormonism, discussing the church's origins and development, its position as one of the fastest growing religions in the world, and its connection to American life.
Mormon from books.google.com
The Mormon People comes as a vital addition to the corpus of American religious history—a frank and balanced demystification of a faith that remains a mystery for many.
Mormon from books.google.com
The Mormon People comes as a vital addition to the corpus of American religious history—a frank and balanced demystification of a faith that remains a mystery for many. “Fascinating and fair-minded . . . a sweeping soup-to-nuts primer ...
Mormon from books.google.com
Dr. R. Philip Roberts, president, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Deception by Design represents the best book I have seen in terms of explicating the beliefs and theology of Mormonism and at the same time providing superb ...
Mormon from books.google.com
The best history of the Latter-Day Saints addressed to a general audience now includes a new preface, an epilogue, and a bibliographical afterword. "This is without a doubt the definitive Mormon history".--Library Journal.
Mormon from books.google.com
Examines the history, cultural, social, and political influence of the Mormon faith in the United States.
Mormon from books.google.com
After an introduction about basic beliefs and two chapters that briefly recount the church's history, three chapters discuss Mormons in American culture, society, and politics.
Mormon from books.google.com
Written by a team of respected Christian scholars, it is free of caricature, sensationalism, and diatribe. The respectful tone and responsible, rigorous, yet readable scholarship set this book in a class of its own.
Mormon from books.google.com
Written by an international team of respected Christian scholars, this freshly researched rebuttal of Mormon doctrine will aid those sharing the gospel with Mormons and those investigating Mormonism on their own.
Mormon from books.google.com
Former Mormons Michael and Lynn Wilder share the 7 reasons that led them from over 30 years of devout Mormon involvement to biblical Christianity.