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This book addresses that question through a unique blend of quantitative data and firsthand interviews with third-plus-generation Mexican Americans.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
In this pioneering study, Sanchez explores how Mexican immigrants "Americanized" themselves in order to fit in, thereby losing part of their own culture.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
In Durable Ethnicity, Edward Telles and Christina A. Sue examine the meanings behind being both American and ethnically Mexican for contemporary Mexican Americans.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
" Arnoldo De León's classic study of Hispanic Houston, now updated to cover recent developments and encompass a decade of additional scholarship, showcases the urban experience for Sunbelt Mexican Americans.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
Replenished Ethnicity sets a high bar for second generation scholarship about Mexican Americans."--Marta Tienda, The Office of Population Research at Princeton University
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
This book explores the complex relationships among ethnicity, acculturation, and assimilation.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
The goal of this book is to examine the ethnic experience of the Mexican American community in the United States, from colonialism to twenty-first century globalization.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
This collection of cutting-edge essays on the Hispanic/Latino population in the U.S. makes a major contribution to Philosophy, Ethnic Studies and Latin American studies.
Is Mexican an ethnicity from books.google.com
'Who am I? and Qui tu es? Who are you? are basic human inquiries. This book discusses and sheds light on the underlying dynamics determining and shaping identity and self-image of the Mexican American as an individual and a social group.