

Charitable organization · good360.org
Good360 is a 501 charitable organization located in Alexandria, Virginia. In 2021, it was ranked the 6th largest charity in the United States by Forbes magazine. Good360 has distributed more than $14 billion in donated goods around the world. Wikipedia
Type of business: Nonprofit organization
Assets: 25.11 million USD (2011)
Income: 310.5 million USD (2011)
Tax ID: 54-1282616
Tax deductibility code: 501(c)(3)
Date founded: 1983

Bringing Hope to Disaster Recovery. While many donate goods directly after an event, as much as 60% often goes to waste. Good360 uses a survivor-centric ...
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Good360 is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization located in Alexandria, Virginia. In 2021, it was ranked the 6th largest charity in the United States by ...
Rating (59)
Good360 is proud to continue working strategically with Amazon.com by helping them give customer returns a new life by donating goods to communities in