DUI first offense from books.google.com
" This bestselling book tells you what you need to know regarding driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (driving while intoxicated); why DWI/DUI is a serious criminal charge; What could happen to you?
DUI first offense from books.google.com
This volume includes information about state, community, and school programs that address ways to reduce impaired driving.
DUI first offense from books.google.com
Find out how prosecutors misuse, mishandle, and manipulate evidence to get a conviction. The book has all the information you need to know about a drunk driving charge.
DUI first offense from books.google.com
This text is a guide to help people charged with DUI in Georgia get answers to their questions. It is written in plain language and here to help the reader understand what to do when charged with a DUI.
DUI first offense from books.google.com
This is why most people feel overwhelmed after they face the sobering fact that they are in for a long and difficult journey.
DUI first offense from books.google.com
Results of a nationwide survey on traditional and innovative sanctions presently in use, including mandatory confinement, license actions and community service.
DUI first offense from books.google.com
If you or a family member has been cited for drunk driving it is not a charge to take lightly. This is a serious matter that needs to be taken seriously. Your job, money, driving privileges, traveling, and freedom are all at stake.