Computer software examples from books.google.com
This Book Has Been Developed As A Text For A One Semester Course On The Hardware And Software Of Personal Computers.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
Written with the novice in mind, using primarily Interpreted BASIC, the book contains advanced concepts of filing and program management, modular and structured programming, programming in C, assembly language programming, numerical ...
Computer software examples from books.google.com
Based on the 2007 Dagstuhl Research Seminar CoCoME, this book defines a common example for modeling approaches of component-based systems. The book makes it possible to compare different approaches and to validate existing models.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
Further readings and a list of references conclude each chapter.These volumes are self-contained and may be used as textbooks for an introductory course on system software and for a course on operating system.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
This is the first software engineering specific book on the case study research method.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with Python builds small versions of the things programmers use in order to give some insights into how experienced programmers think.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
This book provides an overview of tools and techniques used in enterprise software development, many of which are not taught in academic programs or learned on the job.
Computer software examples from books.google.com
This book looks at experience in African, Asian and Arabic-speaking countries that already have computers in some of their schools. It is based mainly on research in China, Jordan, Kenya, Mauritius, Sri Lanka and Tunisia.