Mormonism includes significant doctrines of eternal marriage, eternal progression, baptism for the dead, polygamy or plural marriage, sexual purity, health (specified in the Word of Wisdom), fasting, and Sabbath observance.
People also ask
What are basic Mormon beliefs?
These key elements of the faith include belief in God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit; belief in modern prophets and continuing revelation; belief that through Christ's atonement all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of Christ's Gospel; belief in the importance of ...
Apr 30, 2007
What are some traditions of Mormons?
Those traditions include tithing, daily prayer and scripture study and family home evening. It also includes a family tradition that we always attend our meetings on Sunday as we keep the Sabbath day holy.
What are the main Mormon rules?
Cultural practices which are centrally based on church doctrine include adhering to the church's law of health, paying tithing, living the law of chastity, participation in lay leadership of the church, refraining from work on Sundays when possible, family home evenings, and ministering to other church members.
What is the Mormon lifestyle like?
Mormons follow a strict healthy lifestyle that doesn't allow them to consume alcohol, tobacco, coffee or tea. Family life, good deeds, respect for authority and missionary work are important values in Mormonism.
Dec 20, 2017
Jan 12, 2012 · Most Mormons hold many of the same beliefs espoused by other Christian traditions. For example, the Pew Forum's 2007 U.S. Religious Landscape ...
Latter-day Saints believe that the Church's scripturally-based teachings change lives by motivating people to become more like the Savior. President Boyd K.
Jul 24, 2009 · Mormons are a believing people, with more than nine-in-ten professing belief in God or a supreme being, the Bible as the word of God, life after ...
Oct 24, 2022 · Faithful Mormons do their best to live by a set of health and lifestyle rules known as the Word of Wisdom. The original Word of Wisdom was a ...
Apr 30, 2007 · The rituals of the Mormon faith include ceremonies performed in the temple -- endowment, baptism of the dead, celestial marriage and family ...
Jul 5, 2023 · 30 Eerie Mormon Beliefs You Won't Believe Exist · Temple Garments · No Coffee, No Tea, No Caffeine At All · Mormon Women Are Expected To Dress ...
Apr 30, 2023 · Mormons believe in a Christian view of God and Jesus. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are the two most important sources for the Mormon faith.
Dec 20, 2017 · Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ. Followers claim that God sent more prophets after Jesus's death.
Aug 30, 2012 · Beliefs - Mormons believe all people have a pre-earthly existence with God, and their mortal lives are a test to be able to rejoin Him in the ...