Direct Relief

Direct Relief

Charity company ·
Direct Relief is a nonprofit humanitarian organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people in poverty or emergency situations by providing the appropriate medical resources. The charity provides emergency medical assistance and... Wikipedia
Type of business: Charitable organization
Assets: 111.9 million USD (2014)
Income: 405.1 million USD (2011)
Tax ID: 95-1831116
Tax deductibility code: 501(c)(3)
Area served: United States and World
Direct Relief, a top-rated humanitarian charity, works in the US and internationally to equip doctors and nurses with lifesaving medical resources to care ...
People also ask
What is the meaning of Direct Relief?
Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.
What is Direct Relief in US history?
Est. 1948. Since 1948, Direct Relief has worked to help people who confront enormous hardship to recover from disasters and improve the quality of their lives.
Is Direct Relief a legit charity?
Direct Relief's leading financial performance and efficiency earns 4 stars and a 100% impact rating from Charity Navigator.
How does Direct Relief get money?
Unlike many other nonprofit organizations, Direct Relief does not rely on any funding from government grants. Support comes entirely from private individuals, associations, foundations, and businesses who entrust Direct Relief with resources so that it can fulfill its humanitarian mission.
Direct Relief is a nonprofit, apolitical, nonsectarian organization that provides humanitarian assistance without regard to race, ethnicity, political or ...
Direct Relief, Santa Barbara, California. 136925 likes · 74 talking about this. Helping Humans, Since 1948.
Direct Relief is a nonprofit humanitarian organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people in poverty or emergency situations by providing the ...
Mission: Improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.
Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people ...
#DirectRelief: Improving the #health and lives of people affected by poverty and #disaster—without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.