Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services

Agency ·
Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Wikipedia
Tax ID: 13-5563422
Tax deductibility code: 501(c)(3)
CEO: Sean Callahan (Jan 1, 2017–)
Founded: 1943
Headquarters: Baltimore, MD
Catholic Relief Services eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality.
People also ask
Is Catholic Relief Services a legitimate charity?
CRS is efficient You are always welcome to review our financial statements. Additionally, we meet all 20 of the strict Charity Standards set by the Better Business Bureau's charity rating arm, the Wise Giving Alliance, and have an "A+" rating from CharityWatch.
What is the Catholic Relief Services scandal?
Over the past decade the Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute, both separately and together, have repeatedly raised concerns about Catholic Relief Services' involvement in projects that promote pornographic sex education, condoms and contraceptives.
What did the Catholic Relief Services do?
As a Catholic agency that provides assistance to people in need in over 100 countries without regard to race, religion or nationality, we also participate in humanitarian initiatives undertaken by a range of groups, including governments, other faith communities and secular institutions.
What is the difference between Catholic charities and Catholic Relief Services?
As the U.S. Catholic Church's international humanitarian agency, CRS focused on relief efforts in the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Antilles, while its sister agency, Catholic Charities, directed aid to those affected in the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Sep 16, 2019 · Find and apply for jobs at CRS - discover whether working at CRS is right for you. Find international development jobs, humanitarian jobs, ...
Catholic Relief Services eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality.