People also ask
What is the bump steer effect?
Bump steer causes a vehicle to turn itself when one wheel hits a bump or falls down into a hole or rut. Excessive bump steer increases tire wear and makes the vehicle more difficult to handle on rough roads.
Is bump steer desirable?
This instability can result in erratic handling, making it difficult to maintain a consistent racing line or a smooth and stable drift without corrections. Tire Wear: Bump steer can cause excessive tire wear, as the constant change in toe angle puts extra stress on the tires.
What is the most likely cause of bump steer?
The main factors that contribute to bump steer are your upper and lower control arm, ball joint, and pivot points, and where they are in relationship to where your steering rack is mounted – as well as rack length and tie rod length.
What is the purpose of a bump steer kit?
Our bumpsteer kits fix this issue by allowing you to correct the angle of the tie rod so that it matches the control arm. This means they will be traveling on the same plane, in turn eliminating unwanted alterations in toe when the wheels hit bumps.
Racing Car Technology Online Training in How to Bump Steer Your Race Car: You can measure bump steer accurately, using only a single point laser you can buy ...